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Frequently asked questions about our practice

What are the firm’s areas of expertise?

We are a law firm dedicated to corporate and personal taxation.

Our practice is dedicated entirely to tax law, enabling us to deliver cutting-edge expertise in a complex and ever-evolving field. Our goal is to provide clients with the highest quality service by focusing on the nuanced and specific aspects of tax law.

If a case necessitates expertise beyond our specialization, we collaborate with trusted partners who are experts in their respective fields to ensure the client receives comprehensive and tailored support. For cases entirely beyond our area of practice, we assist by directing clients to other reputable professionals better suited to handle their needs.

The firm’s areas of expertise

Does the firm work with other professionals?

We regularly work in cooperation with other law firms, particularly in transactional taxation, which draws on a whole range of business law specialisms other than tax (company law, contract law, property law, employment law, financing, etc.). Business law firms without tax expertise can call on us to handle the tax aspects of their cases.

For more information on transactional taxation, see the Taxation of exceptional transactions page.

Does the firm work with clients outside France?

We can assist wherever you are in the world.

We serve clients not only in Paris, but also in France, Europe and the rest of the world.

How are fees set at Syntaxe?

Initial meeting with the client

The first meeting is billed on a time spent basis. However, if this meeting results in the firm taking charge of the case, the first hour is complimentary.

If the meeting either provides an immediate resolution to the client’s issue or if the client decides not to proceed further, the time spent is billed accordingly.

Billing methods and practices

In accordance with the ethical rules of the French Bar Association, we offer three billing methods.

1. Time based fees

By principle, our fees are calculated based on the time dedicated to the case, with an hourly rate ranging from €250 to €450 not including VAT. This rate varies depending on:

  • the complexity of the case,
  • the stakes involved, and
  • the experience and expertise of the team member handling the case.

Hourly rates are reviewed annually on January 1st.

While it can be challenging to provide an exact estimate of the time required for the completion of the mission, an indicative range may be communicated at the beginning of the mission upon request.

Each invoice includes a detailed appendix outlining the hours and tasks performed by each team member.

2. Flat rate fees

In certain cases, and by mutual agreement between the firm and the client, a fixed and global fee may be determined. This flat rate covers all legal or tax services specified in the agreement.

Any additional requests outside the scope of the initial package are billed on a time spent basis unless otherwise agreed.

A fee agreement is drafted to specify the terms of the flat rate and the services covered.

3. Success fees

In addition to time based or flat rate fees, success fees may be agreed upon.

In accordance with the ethical rules of the French Bar Association, success fees cannot be the sole method of remuneration of the lawyer and must complement base fees (time based or flat rate).

A fee agreement is drafted to specify the base fee and the method for calculating the additional success fees.

Success fees may be determined as a percentage of the tax savings achieved or tied to specific objectives, such as securing an agreement or an extension, depending on the client’s priorities.

Recoverable expenses

The firm’s fees cover only the remuneration of the firm and do not include additional expenses incurred on the client’s behalf.

Expenses incurred on behalf of the client are billed separately and must be reimbursed promptly, either directly to the service provider or to the firm when advanced on behalf of the client.

These expenses include:

  • fees for intermediaries (formalists, bailiffs, etc.),
  • costs related to acts (registry fees, registration duties, etc.),
  • travel expenses (taxis, first-class train tickets, business-class flights),
  • postal charges.

Except in urgent cases, the firm ensures that clients are informed before incurring any significant expenses.

How do I make an appointment?

From the contact page. Consultations can take place at our offices in the 8th arrondissement in Paris, or remotely by telephone or videoconference.

Is client data protected?

Secrecy is at the heart of our profession. We implement strict protocols to protect your data, whether on paper or digitally.

Any other questions?

We would be delighted to answer them in person.